"Post Modern Prometheus" - "..and I was walking in memhpis". Mulder and Scully dance to Cher, this scene always makes me smile, hell, the song does. 
"Memento Mori" - Hallway scene number 1. One of the most moving scenes I have ever watched on TV. 
"All Things" - The way that he looks at her shows the feelings between these 2. Can you say "aww"? 
"The Sixth Extinction Pt2: Amor Fati" - hallway scene number 2. Love this scene. "You were my constant, my touchstone", "And you are mine" 
"Fight The Future" - wonderful scene. Nice hand holding too. 
"Requiem" - hallway scene number 4. What is it with hallways and these 2? Great scene very sweet. "I don't want to risk...losing you". 
"Terma" - Scully's refusal to answer the questions was great and when Mulder walked into that room - so cool, the looks on their faces and eye contact speaks volumes. And the hug again! 
"The Amazing Maleeni" - I just like this scene, I don't know why but it just makes me go "aww". 
"Arcadia" - pretty much the entire episode. They make such a great couple, don't they? 
"Dreamland 2" - "I'd kiss you if you weren't so damn ugly". Nothing says "I love you" like a handful of sunflower seeds, now does it? 
"How The Ghosts Stole Christmas" - Mulder and Scully exchange X-mas gifts! So sweet! I want to know what the pressies were! 
"One Son" - Mulder and Scully in a shower scene!! Although not in the same shower - darn! Loads of UST in this scene too. The looks they shared here! |