Movies that should never have been made

Why these ever got thought of never fails to surprise me, let alone why these ever got made. They suck. Plain and simple. If they were good they wouldn't be on this page. They all have their own reasons for sucking as much as they do, but when it comes down to it, I'd rather watch paint drying as a form of entertainment than re-watch these. Take a look.

Mission to Mars.
After seeing the trailer I thought "Ooooh, that looks quite exciting", and ordered it from Sky Box Office. I then sat through an hour and a half of absolute crap. I mean, this movie brought the whole sci-fi genre down to a new low with its mere existence. I really, honestly and truely thought that it was a spoof. So, if you have the IQ of a goldfish and want some light entertainment, then do rent this, everyone else, avoid it like the plague.

Spiceworld: the movie
It's a comedy, apparently, starring the talented and highly prestigious actors Posh, Scary, Ginger, Baby and Sporty. Quite frankly, they act as well as they sing. The best moment: when the credits rolled in. A movie starring a girl band; 'nuff said really

Urban Legend
Hmmm.... A bunch of high school kids get killed in the fashion of a series of urban legends. High school kids.......indestructable vengeful teen killer.......... Now where have I seen that before? The genre's old, LEAVE IT ALONE.

OK, so the special effects were good in places, but that's all that can really be said about the movie. Millions of dollars spent on 3 hours of completely boring drivvel focusing on the ill fated love story between Mr. Jack "I'm so poor but don't feel sorry for me" Dawson and Miss Rose "I HATE being rich" DeWitt Bukater (or something posh like that). I mean the ship didn't even hit the iceberg until about 2/3 of the way through it. *Shakes head*. They couldn't have got it more wrong....
NB: Emma's choice, Tracy (that's me) actually thought it was a good movie.

Granted, it tanked, but that doesn't stop it sucking gargantuous proportions. Dear God. About ten minutes into it I felt like eating my own leg. It was THAT bad. All Saints, stick to singing. Then again.... maybe not.

Deep Blue Sea
Oh look, ANOTHER scary (?) story of the deep. This time a massive shark terrorises a deep sea research facility. Right then. With plot holes you could drive a juggernaut through and the originality of "A1" this movie sucks. Truely.

The Blair Witch Project
OK, so was the hype worth it? NO. Was it scary? Mildly. Was it good? Debatable. I've had requests for this one thrown from all directions. Either you liked it, or you didn't, but let's face it, however much it sucked, it did NOT suck as much as the sequel, "Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2"

Stay tuned for more entries... I'll add 'em when I see 'em

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