The Bono Shrine



Marvel, worship, be inspired.

Bono is my favourite musician and public speaker, simply because he can fill any stage with his presence and deliver anything, be it a song or a political speech, with more passion than most people could ever dream of having.


Born and raised in Dublin, with his older brother Norman, Paul Hewson (Bono) by his parents Bobby and Iris. At the age of 15, Bono suffered the loss of his mother, Iris, which inspired him to write the song "I will Follow". Throughout High School, Bono flourished in the Arts and couyld often be found singing on the stage. It was in 1976 that he responded to an ad placed on a high school bulletin board placed by Larry Mullen which started off the U2 era. At the time, Bono's songwriting was far better than his singing due to his poetic nature. His ability to connect with the audience through his lyrics and physically (namely throwing himself into the crowds) contributed hugely to the success of him as an artist, and to U2 as a band. During the ZooTV tour, Bonos career was nearly ended when voice wasa damged due to over straining and smoking, a habit he picked up on the road. He was hospitalized and had to quit the habit. But his talents go beyond "U2". Bono has become renound as a public speaker, fighting for political and envirnmental causes over the years and was awarded for his contribution in the campaign to end third world debt at the 2000 MTV Europe Awards. Bono has never failed to please fans, campaign for causes he feels strongly about and handle his life as a husband and father of three. The recent death of his father did not prevent him playing a fantastic gig at Earl's Court and it seems the mans passion and charisma is unstoppable.

Emma's U2 Page

A film reel; Actual size=240 pixels wide




Page made by Emma.

I worship Bono. I love U2. Bono lust is like a disease, a good disease which everyone should suffer at one time or another.