Dawson's Creek

It's the end of something simple, and the beginning of everything else.


JAMES VAN DER BEEK as Dawson Leery


KATIE HOLMES as Joey Potter


JOSHUA JACKSON as Pacey Witter




KERR SMITH as Jack McPhee


Season One:

#100 "Pilot"
Introduction to Dawson Leery, a budding teenage filmmaker, his best friend Joey Potter, the girl next door, his other best friend Pacey Witter, the local ne'er-do-well, and Jennifer Lindley, the new girl in Capeside.

#101 "Dance"
Dawson is jealous that Jen is going to the dance with Cliff, Pacey smooches Tamara and Joey is just all-around unhappy about Dawson and everything else.

#102 "Kiss"
Dawson gets a kiss from Jen; Joey gets a kiss from Anderson Crawford; Pacey gets a lot more than a kiss from Tamara and whole town seems to know about it (uh-oh).

#103 "Discovery"
Dawson finds out about his mother's affair with her co-anchor AND about Jen's sketchy past in New York AND about Pacey and Tamara's affair. What a week!

#104 "Hurricane"
A hurricane hits Capeside and emotions run high for everyone.

#105 "Baby"
Grams, Jen, Joey and Dawson all help to deliver Bessie's baby while Tamara faces the school board for her alleged affair with Pacey.

#106 "Detention"
The Capeside gang, with the help of Abby Morgan, live out their own version of The Breakfast Club.

#107 "Boyfriend"
Jen's ex-boyfriend Billy shows up in Capeside hoping to win her back. An overworked, underappreciated Joey gets smashed at a beach party. Jen breaks up with Dawson.

#108 "Road Trip"
Pacey and Dawson join Billy on a road trip. Jen and Joey gang up against an obnoxious jock

#109 "Double Date"
Dawson cooks up a plan to win Jen back: go on a double date with her and Cliff. Meanwhile, Pacey develops an itty bitty crush on Joey.

#110 "The Scare"
For Friday the 13th, Dawson has a seance party at his house while his parents are away. Jock-boy Cliff asks Jen out, but then asks Dawson's advice on how to show Jen a good time, and Dawson recommends bringing Jen to the seance. Meanwhile, a murderer nick-named the Ladykiller is making his way down from Boston. He is known for stalking his young female victims with notes and phone calls before cutting out their hearts.

#111 "Beauty Contest"
Joey AND Pacey enter a local beauty contest.

#112 "Decisions"
Does he want her? Is he THAT blind? Dawson's feelings for Joey become more apparent to him after he learns that she might leave Capeside.

Season Two:

#201 "The Kiss
What happens after Dawson and Joey's fateful kiss? Well, for one thing, while all this kissy huggy is going on between D and J, Pacey feels ignored and starts hanging out with new-to-Capeside Andie McPhee. Also, Jen continues to deal with her grandfather's death.

#202 "Crossroads"
Joey feels betrayed that Dawson read her private journal, while Jen begins to hang out with Abby Morgan and explore her wild side, previously believed to have been left back in New York.

#203 "Alternative Lifestyles"
Jen uses a class project to get closer to Dawson. Pacey and Andie miraculously are paired together on the same project. Mitch and Gale try an open marriage.

#204 "Tamara's Return"
Tamara comes back to Capeside and throws Andie for a loop. Dawson can't seem to relate to Joey's newfound interest in art, but sensitive art-lover Jack McPhee can!

#205 "Full Moon Rising"
The full moon is turning everyone in Capeside wacky: Jen dates an older man, Dawson and Joey's relationship continue to deteriorate, and Pacey and Andie's first date goes awry when he finds out about her interesting family circumstances.

#206 "The Dance"
Everyone goes to the Homecoming Dance and everyone has an awful time. Well, except for Andie and Pacey...

#207 "The All-Nighter"
The gang gather at Chris Wolfes house for an all-night study session which degrades into a purity test and steamy hot tub action.

#208 "The Reluctant Hero"

Dawson wins a film award but can't seem to enjoy it because everything else in his life is so screwy.

#209 "The Election"
Andie runs for Sophomore Class President with the help of Pacey and Joey but has her past drudged up for the world to see by opponent Abby Morgan. Meanwhile Dawson cuts loose with Jen.

#210 "High Risk Behavior"
Things heat up in Capeside for our favorite over-articulate teens: Jen and Dawson get closer as they collaborate on his film, Joey and Jack get A LOT closer as he poses nude for her (!) and Andie and Pacey share a lovely evening at a bed & breakfast.

#211 "Sex, She Wrote"
Abby finds an intimate love letter and will not stop until she finds out who wrote it to whom.

#212 "Unchartered Waters"
A father-son fishing trip provides a choppy backdrop for Pacey's father to browbeat him some more. The girls try to help Gale with a report on teen-age trends.

#213 "His Leading Lady"
Dawson finds the perfect girl to play Joey in his film, budding method acting student Devon (played by guest star Rachael Leigh Cook). Pacey figures out that Andie is still taking her anti-depressant drugs. Grams introduces Jen to Tyson.

#214 "To Be Or Not To Be..."
Jen is pleasantly surprised when Ty convinces her to go out on another date. Jack is forced to read aloud in class a poem he wrote, which starts the whole school asking about his sexual orientation. Just as Pacey is starting to get himself academically together, he stands up for Jack in class and gets suspended for a week. Andie and Pacey argue over his decision to stand up to a teacher. Dawson gives Joey objective advice on her relationship with Jack.

#215 "...That Is The Question
Jack, pushed to the edge by his father, finally comes bursting out of the closet, and then is faced with coming out to Joey as well. Joey turns to Dawson when she needs a friend. Jen is happy dating Ty, but considers breaking up with him when she finds out his narrow-minded views on homosexuality. Pacey goes all out to get a horrible teacher fired and finally reconciles with Andie.

#216 "Be Careful What You Wish For"
It is Dawson's sixteenth birthday and he and Andie cut loose, get smashed and sing the blues.

#217 "Psychic Friends"
Grams has a date, but he turns out to be married. Joey meets a cute guy, but he turns out to be more interested in Jack. Dawson is crushed when his wonderful new film teacher hates his movie. Andie is upset when the carnival psychic predicts more unhappiness for her.

#218 "A Perfect Wedding"
Joey's father is paroled and decides that the Icehouse should cater a wedding, which stresses Joey out. Dawson is jealous of Jack's ability to talk to people and help them out. Mrs. Leery decides she wants Dawson's father back, just as Dawson's father is getting closer to Dawson's film teacher, Miss Kennedy. Andie is talked into helping out at the wedding by Pacey, even though she hates weddings and they put her in a bad mood. Jen patches things up with Abby, and they go out for a night on the town, stealing a bottle of champagne from the wedding getting drunk on the docks... until Abby falls into the water.

#219 "Rest in Peace"

In the wake of Abby's tragic death, Jen lashes out, and her grandmother finally can't take it anymore and kicks her out. Andie gets talked into giving a eulogy at Abby's funeral by Abby's mother, and Pacey tries hard to support her. Abby'd death causes Joey to face her feelings about her mother's death, but her reconciliation with Dawson helps. Dawson's mother gets a great job offer in Philadelphia.

#220 "Reunited"
After getting kicked out by her grandmother, Jen is living at Dawson's house. When Joey, Dawson, Mitch, Nicole, Gale, and Jen all end up at the same restaurant, the girls scheme to break up Nicole and Mitch, and get Dawson's parents back together. Dawson and Joey talk about "consumating their ultimate desires." Andie starts to get more and more manic, Abby's death having triggered repressed memories of her dead brother.

#221 "Ch... ch... ch... Changes"
Dawson interviews Joey's father about his past for his film final, and Joey gets very uncomfortable about it. Mr. McPhee shows up and tells Andie and Jack that they're coming back to Providence with him... right away. Andie and Pacey initially fight for her to stay in Capeside, but then she realizes that it might actually be best for her to leave with him, although Jack decides to stay. Jen wants to go back to New York, but her parents don't want her. She tries to leave Capeside anyway, but Jack keeps her from leaving and she moves in with him. Dawson thinks he saw Mr. Potter dealing in drugs again, but doesn't tell Joey who has been so happy with her family life lately.

#222 "Parental Discretion Advised"
Jack is afraid that Jen is suicidal. Jen's grandmother asks her to move back in, and after much hesitation, Jen does... with Jack. Dawson's mom decides to take the job in Pennsylvania. Mitch asks her to stay, but she realizes they can't have what they used to, so she still decides to go. Dawson tells Joey's father that he knows he's dealing drugs again, and tells him to clean up his act for the people who love him, but after a fire at the Icehouse in which all the kids are threatened and Dawson saves Mr. Potter's life, Dawson realizes he's going to have to take some action. He tells Joey the truth and gets her to talk to the police, but Joey refuses to face it and blames Dawson for putting her in a difficult situation. In the end, Joey wears a wire and sets her dad up, but breaks up with Dawson. Pacey's relationship with his father hits rock bottom when they come to blows, but then they start to try to rebuild it.

Season Three: - Coming soon

Season Four:

#401 "Coming Home"
Joey and Pacey return from their blissfull and romantic getaway to face their senior year at Capeside High and confont their friends curiosity.

#402 "Failing Down"
With the return of school, reality hits hard as Jens relationship ends and pacey faces the likelyhood of not graduating.

#403 "The Two Gentlemen Of Capeside"
The winds of change are blowing through Capeside as a violent storm threatens lives and reveals an unlikely hero

#404 "Future Tense"
The pressures on as the gang prepare their college applications.

#405 "A Family Way"
The Leery family may be adding another member forcing several others to consider sexual responsibility.

#406 "Great Xpectaions"
Despite the fact that Andie has be accepted to Harvard early, she doesn't always make good decisions.

#407 "You Had Me At Goodbye"
Everybody hates Jen, Joey is once again torn between the two men in her life and Andie is given an amazing opportunity.

#408 "The Unusual Suspects"
Dawson, Pacey, Jack and Drue are all considered suspects when someome pulls off the prank of the century.

#409 "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang"
Jen reveals an important decision about college, while Jack and Grams both make decisions of their own. Dawson's turns to Mr Brooks for help with an important question and Pacey accompanies Joey to a party at the presigious Worthington College.

#410 "Self-reliance"
Now that The Leery's christmas party is over everyone wonders if "a kiss is just a kiss"?

#411 "The Tao Of Dawson"
Truths are revealed when Dawson confesses to Pacey that he might be in love with Gretchen and Joey is locked in a store cupboard with Drue.

#412 "The Te Of Pacey"
When Joey throws a surprise birthday party for Pacey she ends up being mmore surprised than he is.

#413 "Hopeless"
Drue gets a lesson in love from Joey, while Dawson is having concerns about his romance with Gretchen.

#414 "A Winter's Tale"
When Joey, Pacey, Jen and Jack go on the senor ski trip more happens then they expected. While Dawson facing up to some unexpected responsibiliy

#415 "Four Stories"
When Dawson poses a very personal question, Joey wonders whether honesty really is the best policy.

#416 "Mind Games"
After a bizarre string of events the gand realise that reality doesn't always live up to expectaions. Joey begins to regret her lie to Dawson.

#417 "Admissions"
Past, present and fute collide when the gang are forced to make some serious decisions about college.

#418 "Eastern Standard Time"
Joey accompanies Jen to New York, while Dawson and Gretchen decide to take break from life and do something unexpected.

#419 "Late"
Joey experiences a scare, while Dawson faces up to the prospect of loosing Gretchen and Gale finally goes into labour - two weeks late.

#420 "Promicide"
The senior prom brings some surprises as well as some unexpected heartbreak.

#421 "Seperation Anxiety"
Dawson and Joey hope that they can rejuvinate their relationships with Gretchen and Pacey, and Jen makes an important decision.

#422 "The Graduate"
The Capeside High seniors face graduation, Andie returns to town, Joey worries about what to say in her speech and Pacey wonders if he'll graduate at all.

#423 "Coda"
Season finale: Dawson's goodbyes to his friends and family come sooner than anticipated when he is accepted to USC early






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