The X-Files

The Truth Is Out There



Special Agent John Doggett played by Robert Patrick. (can also be found in the hot guys section ;~)...)

The most recent addition to the X-Files leading characters, Special Agent John Doggett was assigned to find Mulder after his mysterious disappearance. Now assigned to The X-Files, his career prospects have been damaged by the new path he is taking in the FBI. He was the father of one son who we know is dead. He is an ex-cop and trained with the military. His work is very by-the-book and could be considered old fashioned. In Mulder's absence he has been partnered with Dana Scully and has built a trust with her.

The Fox and The Hound (Mulder and Doggett)

Episode guide

Mulder and Scully Shippy scenes

A film reel; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Special Agent Fox Mulder, played by David Duchovny. (find him in the hot guys section)

An Oxford educated psycologist , his great work as a criminal profiler writing a monograph on serial killers, he helped to catch Monte Propps in 1988. He worked in the FBI behavioral science unit for three years and aquired the nickname "Spooky". He then began work on the X-Files after discovering them and became consumed in his work. He has an intense fear of fire and is red/green colourblind. After abnormal brain activity 7 years later, he was abducted and exposed to tests which killed him, only for him to come back from the dead, to begin work on The X-Files again.


Special Agent Dana Scully, played by Gillian Anderson

(definitely NOT in the hot guys section)

Born February 23 1963, the daughter of a US navy captain, did
undergraduate work in physics before doing a degree
in medicine, but deciding not to practice (to the disappointment
of her parents) she joined the FBI and was assigned
to The X-Files, partnering Fox Mulder. She was abducted
by an unknown force after a year on The X-Files and was left barron
and with an unexplained complex chip in
her neck which when removed resulted in a tumour
pressing against her brain. Her recent mysterious
pregnancy has yet to be explained.

In the first 7 years of the show, the storylines, mytharcs and the chemistry between the two main characters, Mulder and Scully gathered a huge range of audiences who avidly tuned in each week to see what new mysteries lurked around the corner. By the end of the seventh season, David Duchovny wanted a lighter work load and the charcter of Doggett was introduced making Robert Patrick the newest addition to The X-Files team. As the show begins filming its ninth season, there are *still* mysteries to be uncovered.

Emma's top three episodes of each season.
(Please note: I'm weird and unconventional, my favourites are probably different from yours, I just felt like putting this here)

Season One:

3) Deep Throat (1x01)
Acting on a tip from an inside source, Mulder and Scully travel to Idaho to investigate unusual disappearances of test pilots.

Emma's review: Sweaty Mulder..... paranoid atmosphere... WOOHOO!

2)Born Again (1x21)
A series of murders is linked to a little girl, who may be the reincarnated spirit of a murdered policeman.

Emma's review: Psycho, possessed kid goes on a vengeful killing rampage. Yay!!

1)Ice (1x07)
Mulder and Scully go and investigate a series of apparent suicides of a research team in the Arctic, only to be forced to quarantine themselves when they discover an unknown organism.

Emma's review: Angst, paranoia AND weird little bug things... now that's entertainment.

Season 2

3)Humbug (2x20)
Mulder and Scully investigate a bizarre death of an escape artist in a town where sideshows are a way of life, and nothing is what it seems.

Emma's review: warped and hilarious

2)End Game 2/2 (2x17)
The alien bounty hunter has taken Scully prisoner and he must decide between keeping his sister (who may not be all she seems) and getting Scully back.

Emma's review: I could get drunk on the angst in this one

1)Duane Barry 1/2 (2x05)
A hostage situation leads Mulder to Duane Barry, a supposed multiple abductee, who needs someone to sacrifice to the aliens in order to stop the torture, he finds that someone in Dana Scully.

Emma's review: Fantastic episode.

Other seasons coming soon......