Sunflower Seeds
Scourge of the Planet
Favorite Links

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A haven for the couch potato. Check in, relax and enjoy.
Click on the links above and pictures below to take you to certain areas. Got a favourite TV Show, band, movie or film? You may just find them here. Got something you despise, do visit the "Scourge of the Planet" section.... because that's where it'll be. ENJOY!

Please sign the guest book or contact us with suggestions and feedback at:

Our hotmail account is currently not working so the new temporary address is:


APRIL 27th 2002: Sorry for the lack of updates, over this brief break I've decided that I will not be continuing updates on the site, I'll admit I've become a bit disheartend with the whole thing, there are some great sites out there but this isn't one of them and seeing as hardly anyone visits here anyway I figured that there was no point in continuing updates. There are links to these bigger and better sites in the links section and dotted around the site in their respective sections. This site will stay up for a while (well, until I can be bothered to delete it) so if you feel the need to browse around feel free.
I hope you continue enjoying movies, music and TV shows ("The X Files", "24" "ER" and "The West Wing" are must-sees for me)
NB: I can't speak for Emma as I haven't heard from her for a while - she might want to continue with it.
So this is Tracy signing out! :)
MARCH 2nd 2002: Happy March everyone! I added a page for all my slideshows! The link is above! If you watch them I hope you enjoy them!
Also, some more "The West Wing" news:
At there are banner ads for season two stating SUNDAYS AT 9PM as it's timeslot - however there is no date specified yet. How cool will sundays be now?!
The great DVD set I said was coming out on March 25 has been pushed back to April 15th - something to do with the packaging design not being ready or something.
FEB 24th 2002: Updated links page. PM News, just a little bit of news for fans of "The West Wing" - Ch4 have been showing some adverts for season 2 tonight - four different ones so far and it seems to me that they are going for the funny angle as each ad has featured a funny scene. It doesn't mention a start date but it does say "coming soon" and Ch4 don't usually show ads for things unless they are coming on in a few weeks or so! Updated "Tracys favourite picture" page!
FEB 23rd 2002: Sorry for the lack of updates for ages, I don't know about Emma but I almost considered giving up on this site all together - I just didn't think anyone had been here and that if no-one was looking then there was no point. Well, I've changed my mind and decided to try and get back into it again. I hope some people are looking but if they're not then that's fine too.
You've probably noticed that I've made a few changes to the look of the site - I thought it was time for a change so I changed it. You like? Some of the other sites may have changed their look too so have a little look-see around. Hopefully I will begin updating on a regular basis soon (fingers crossed)
Just some TV news for you, these things got me a little excited! First off, New "ER" starts on Ch4 on Wednesday Feb 27th, season 8 of "The X Files" will begin on BBC2 on Sunday March 3rd at 10:45pm, the new show "24" (which is mean to be great) starts on the same day, same channel at 10pm, season 2 of "The West Wing" will appear on Ch4's screens sometime in March and last but not least David Duchovny has agreed to come back to "The X Files" for the 2hr finale!!
Last thing, "The West Wing" DVD comes out on March 25th! If you're a fan check it out!
DECEMBER 2nd 2001: The unthinkable has happened, I have miraculously emerged from under my rock. I will therefore, be adding to the site in due course. Thank you Tracy for keeping the site alive. :-) I'm back! (everyone backs away).....

1 Hour Later: Added a Harry Potter film review which you can find in the movies section.

NOVEMBER 20th 2001: Added season one episode guide to "The West Wing" page - located in the TV section. Also "Evolution" is out to buy on DVD and rent on video from next monday - Whoooooo Hooooo!!

Also added a page for the fanlistings/cliques that I am a member of, the link to that page is located to your right about the picture of Quincy.

NOVEMBER 14th 2001: Added a picture of Robert Patrick to the front page - above this! If you click on it it will take you to a small page dedicated to the actor. Also, for some unknown reason the Hotmail account for this site is unaccesible so until further notice e-mails about this site can be sent to me -

NOVEMBER 12th 2001: Emma's MIA at the moment, I haven't heard from her in a while - I think she's very busy so until further notice all updates will be by Tracy. Sorry for the lack of updates for a while I have no excuse really, I will be getting back into it now. So there will be more updates coming in the next few days.

I added another couple to the shippy shows page, a page about "The West Wing" and a page dedicated to TV characters that have be killed off, both are located in the TV section. I hope US viewers enjoyed the season premiere of "The X Files" last night.

NOVEMBER 9th 2001: Tracy added "The Practice" page - located in TV section. Also added a couple to the "Shippy shows" pge.


Both of us are fans of The X-Files, and as David Duchovny (above) leaves, new things lurk round the corner for perhaps the most succesful sci-fi drama ever and one of my favourite actors.

A small Robert Patrick page


Hot men.... *drool* Tom Cruise on the homepage was my choice. ~Emma

GUYS - If you would like to see a "Sexy Women" page on this site e-mail us with some of your own suggestions and we'll see what we can do.

The Fox & The Hound

TrustEveryOne oops I mean no one.jpg

Foos rock!

Which is it?

Mulder and Scully

Dawson & Joey


After seeing U2 on their Elevation tour, they have confirmed for me that they are the greatest band in the world. - Emma

Dawson's Creek

"Dawson's Creek" - one of my favourite shows and the best "teen show" (even though it's more than that!) ever, in my opinion. Bring on season 5! - Tracy


Téa Leoni - A very cool chick and a great actress! Check out some of her work. - Tracy

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I love "Quicny" (pictured above) and "Columbo" (pictured below) and there was a gap on the front page so I thought these pics would look cool - Tracy


DISCLAIMER: All names, logos and images used on this site are owned by their respective companies, no copyright infringements intented.

DISCLAIMER PART 2: "The Scourge of the planet" section is Emma's section and all things in it are Emma's opinion only, no offence intended.

DISCLAIMER PART 3: All movie reviews are the opinions of the stated reviewer only and are not offically sanctioned by anyone involved in the production of the reviewed movie or film.

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