Sunflower Seeds
Scourge of the Planet


Scourge of the Planet
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Call me a wench, but there are things on this planet that really do need wiping out. This section is a shrine to all things evil. I would therefore like to dedicate this page to everyone with TASTE. It is not here for 12 year old girls to come and drool over, nor is it here for people to send hatemail over. Just.... enjoy, you have been warned. I would also like to dedicate it to the guys at, for the inspiration. If you like this page, GO THERE.


Gondolas in Venice; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Ugh. Beware nausea.

I generally hate pop music. No questions asked. What I hate even more than the music itself are the artists people have come to idolise. No, I am not jealous, nauseated maybe, but definitely not jealous, because they all, quite frankly, look ridiculous.

A family on vacation; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Money AND time wasting... how efficient

Some movies are better off on the cutting floor. When you consider how much money is spent in the film industry you wouldn't expect some of the detritus that flies out from the Hollywood Studios. In here are just a few films which make you think "Why?"