Sunflower Seeds
Favorite Links


Scourge of the Planet
Favorite Links


Here are some of my favourite links (with descriptions if needed), I check these usually every day or regularly anyway, so they should all be current, if you find a dead link e-mail me!

If you are an X Phile from the UK this site is a must. Updated nearly everyday by the wonderful Mark, it also has a great message board where I spend far too much of my time on! Even if you aren't from the UK it's still a great place to check out.

A Mulder and Scully focused page dedicated to "The X Files", updated regularly. A must for any X Phile - if you're an X Phile and you haven't been to this site, why not?!

Fan Forum

This site has forums for loads of things, TV show, movies, celebrities, books, fanart, fanfic etc. If you love doing to message board thing you must check out this site! Btw, if you're a member please vote for "The West Wing" in the requests section!

One of the best places on the net for up to date movie news some TV news thrown in there too! Updated every day!

This site and Dark Horizons are the best places to go to for movie news and reviews. If you want a movie screensaver/wallpaper Joblo is likely to have it. Updated almost daily.

I'd be lost without this site! With entries for every movie, TV show, actor/actress, director, writer, producer you'd ever want to know about this site is unbeatable! Some movie news and reviews also thrown in for good measure.

Official website for the TV channel, with a forum if you have any question to ask, maybe a Ch4 employee will answer it for you.

Official website for BBC 1 and 2 (probably digital but I don't have that). News related to shows shown by these channels.

Official website for the TV listings magazine. Updated every thursday with schedules for the next couple of weeks. Great if you like to plan ahead! I check every week to see what's going on with my favourite shows.


David Duchovny at Chimerical (formerly David Duchvony News Planet)

Digital Duchovny



Téa Leoni Online

Téa Leoni UK

Dedicated To Tea Leoni